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Florida Arbitration Clauses in Florida Wills and Trusts: Can You Force Arbitration on Heirs and Beneficiaries?

Arbitration of controversies as an alternative to a Florida courthouse trial is happening more and more often, in more and more kinds of disputes. Often, these arbitrations are binding — and more and more often, consumers are discovering that they have no choice but...

Ray Charles Trust Litigation: Beneficiaries Fighting for More, the Lesson of Being Clear in Trust Bequests

Another lesson in trust lawsuits – and for Floridians, on how to plan their estates in advance to avoid these sorts of fights between beneficiaries after death – is happening right now in Los Angeles, California.  It’s a case being heard by the Chief...

Florida Trust Contests: Jenos Pizza Rolls and Michelina Italian Foods Founder Jeno Paulucci’s Death Provides Great Example of Trust Contests in Florida Arising From Deaths Occuring in Other States

Have you ever tried a Jeno’s Pizza Roll? Or maybe had some Chun King canned Chinese food or opted for some frozen Italian Michelina’s fare, with a movie at home with the kids? Well, then, you’ve contributed to the fortune of Jeno Paulucci, the...