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Florida Arbitration Clauses in Florida Wills and Trusts: Can You Force Arbitration on Heirs and Beneficiaries?

Arbitration of controversies as an alternative to a Florida courthouse trial is happening more and more often, in more and more kinds of disputes. Often, these arbitrations are binding — and more and more often, consumers are discovering that they have no choice but...

Ray Charles Trust Litigation: Beneficiaries Fighting for More, the Lesson of Being Clear in Trust Bequests

Another lesson in trust lawsuits – and for Floridians, on how to plan their estates in advance to avoid these sorts of fights between beneficiaries after death – is happening right now in Los Angeles, California.  It’s a case being heard by the Chief...

Florida Trust Contests: Jenos Pizza Rolls and Michelina Italian Foods Founder Jeno Paulucci’s Death Provides Great Example of Trust Contests in Florida Arising From Deaths Occuring in Other States

Have you ever tried a Jeno’s Pizza Roll? Or maybe had some Chun King canned Chinese food or opted for some frozen Italian Michelina’s fare, with a movie at home with the kids? Well, then, you’ve contributed to the fortune of Jeno Paulucci, the...

New Florida Law May Void Beneficiary Designations in Divorces: Florida Statute 732.703 and End of Life Planning for Divorced Couples and Those Thinking of Divorcing

There’s a new law here in Florida that people need to know about – especially if they are divorced or in the midst of getting themselves divorced here in Florida and that law is Florida Statute 732.703.  You can read the law as written on the books by the...

Year End Planning: It’s Important for Florida Baby Boomers to Have End of Life Documents That Are Valid Under Florida Law (New Poll Shows 70% Americans Do Not Have This Done)

It’s that time of year again, when travel plans are made and gifts are bought … and for those handling the family finances, there are those end of the year planning considerations: things like finalizing charitable donations to be made for the 2011 taxable...