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South Florida has the 10th highest foreclosure rate in the country last month, according to RealtyTrac. A large number of Floridians have refused to respond, often out of embarrassment or mistrust, to people trying to help them with their Foreclosure problems. This is because Florida is a breeding ground for scam artists.

In an effort to help those who need the help most, Dwyane Wade and Alonzo Mourning have teamed up with local Florida nonprofit and government organizations to raise awareness of free foreclosure assistance. The program, which I read about on the Miami Herald’s website, is a smart program because it is using celebrities to establish trust with people facing foreclosure so they will reach out for help and not be afraid that they are going to be scammed. I receive so many calls from people who need help and don’t have the money to pay an attorney. I try to help as many people as possible, but it’s nice to know that others are doing the same.

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