by Larry Tolchinsky | Closings, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Real Estate Title, Titles
Last Update: 3/25/20 In Florida, buyers breach real estate contracts all of the time and in all sorts of ways. When a buyer fails to meet his or her obligations under a sales contract, oftentimes it leaves the seller wondering what steps to take now that the buyer has... by Larry Tolchinsky | Closings, Florida Real Estate, Real Estate, Real Estate Title, Titles
Under Florida law, a “bona fide purchaser” of real estate is afforded certain protections including ownership and title. The rule essentially provides a buyer with superior rights to property over those who may have valid interests in the property, albeit unrecorded... by Larry Tolchinsky | Closings, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Real Estate, Real Estate Title, Titles
Last Update: 11/7/21 In Florida, oftentimes right before a residential real estate transaction is set to close the deal is derailed because of conflicting legal interests between the parties to the transaction (the seller and the buyer) and a third party with an... by Larry Tolchinsky | Closings, FAQs, Florida Real Estate, Real Estate
According to the case law as of the date of this article, a provision in a real estate contract that requires a seller to deliver at closing a report from a licensed pest control company showing the property free of termites does not require a seller to repair termite... by Larry Tolchinsky | Closings, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Real Estate Title
In Florida, the closing process normally begins with a written sales contract where a seller commits to sell his or her home and a buyer commits to buying the property. That document creates an equitable interest in the property for the buyer. What some buyers and...