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In the pleadings filed in the lawsuit filed by the FDIC against Jacksonville’s Lender Processing Services, it has become part of the public record that 89 different Florida appraisers are listed by name as being involved in this lawsuit, and out of those 89 appraisers, 35 have been in disciplinary actions before the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board.

We posted last week on the details of this major federal lawsuit.  If you wish to review that list of 89 appraisers to see if your appraiser is involved in this lawsuit, then please refer to the table appearing as Exhibit “C” to the FDIC’s complaint (here, starting at screen page 102).

In the seven pages of spreadsheet after spreadsheet, the individual properties are identified in detail – street address, loan date, loss amount, city – and in the far right column, the name of the appraiser.  On the first page of the exhibit, for example, you will see the following names listed:

Martin B. Curle

David Brinkman

Bernard J Crawford

Guillermo Pena

Nathan D Bennett

Alan E Gross

Robert Fuller

John Bocock

Thomas D. Mullins

Naji Hakim

Vlad Shneyderman

Christopher C. Sotere

Judy E. Vieria-Rea

John French

Gerald M Otre

Jack A. LoVerde

Colleen E. Millett

George A. Sanchez Sr.

Sumit Raipal

Marcia Croom Robert

Kuldeep S Gill

Anthony Chang

Edward Ptacek

Elspeth Eisele

Gonzalo G. Ruiz

Suyin Decastro

Robert Mitchell

Guillermo Pena

Diego R. Lopez

Gonzalo G. Ruiz

Michael A. Long

Margaret Young

Sean A. Copeland

Paul H. Ghaffari

David B. Juhl

Barry McBriar

Please continue to the complaint itself for the next six pages of names shown in Exhibit C (far right column).

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