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Short Sale Scandal: Florida Home Faces Forfeiture Action After Michigan Supreme Court Justice Allegedly Hid Florida Home From Bank: Fraud Is a No-No – Another Lesson for Having a Florida Short Sale Lawyer

Florida short sale stories don’t just involve people that live in Florida.   There are people from all over the country that have underwater mortgages who are looking for ways to solve that problem.  And one big example in the news these days:  Diane Hathaway, a...

Short Sale Hardship Letters to South Florida Banks and Proving Home Owner Financial Hardship for Short Sale Bank Approval: Things to Consider

Last Update:02/24/16 The news is out for October 2012, and once again Florida ranks number one in foreclosures in the United States according to RealtyTrac research.  It seems that one in every 312 housing units in Florida was hit with a foreclosure filing in October...

Ray Charles Trust Litigation: Beneficiaries Fighting for More, the Lesson of Being Clear in Trust Bequests

Another lesson in trust lawsuits – and for Floridians, on how to plan their estates in advance to avoid these sorts of fights between beneficiaries after death – is happening right now in Los Angeles, California.  It’s a case being heard by the Chief...

South Florida Bankruptcies Spike – Foreclosure Settlement Monies Still in Tallahassee: Broward County Mortgages Still Need Foreclosure Defense Lawyers

After some skirmishing up in Tallahassee, representatives of the Florida House and the Florida Senate have aligned with Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi in a joint announcement this week which outlined Ms. Bondi’s plan on what to do with $300 million from the...

Florida Trust Contests: Jenos Pizza Rolls and Michelina Italian Foods Founder Jeno Paulucci’s Death Provides Great Example of Trust Contests in Florida Arising From Deaths Occuring in Other States

Have you ever tried a Jeno’s Pizza Roll? Or maybe had some Chun King canned Chinese food or opted for some frozen Italian Michelina’s fare, with a movie at home with the kids? Well, then, you’ve contributed to the fortune of Jeno Paulucci, the...