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When a Florida Real Estate Agent Does Something Wrong: Florida Realtors vs. Florida Real Estate Commission vs. Florida Fraud or Negligence Claim

Last Update: 1/14/20 As the name suggests, the Florida Association of Realtors’ (“Florida Realtors”) membership primarily includes Florida real estate agents and brokers but it also includes other affiliated real estate related professions in the...

Flopping In Florida: Real Estate Agents And Insider Realtor Deals – Are You A Victim Of This Kind Of Florida Real Estate Fraud?

Last Update: 04/18/16 In recent years, most of us in South Florida have become all too aware of real estate “flipping” — where a distressed home is purchased by an investor who goes into the deal with the idea of doing some improvements to the place and then reselling...

Special Assessments Against Florida Condo Owners: When Special Assessments Go Wrong, What Can Condo Unit Owners Do?

Last Update: 03/16/16 Condominium living is a dream come true for many South Floridians, especially those who move here from other parts of the country as retirees or owners of vacation getaways. However, as with all things in life, there are pros and cons with condo...