by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Law, Landlord - Tenant, Security Deposits
Last Update: 10/31/21 In Florida, residential tenancies are governed by (1) Chapter 83 of the Florida Statutes under what is commonly known as “Florida Residential Landlord and Tenant Act” (see Florida Statute 83.40) and (2) the language in the individual lease or... by Larry Tolchinsky | Landlord - Tenant
Last Update: 8/23/19 Knowing whether or not damage is caused by “normal wear and tear” impacts how much money, if any, the landlord can deduct from the tenant’s security deposit. Wear And Tear Is The Main Reason For Security Deposits In Florida, most residential... by Larry Tolchinsky | Landlord - Tenant, Security Deposits
For tenants moving out of apartments, condos, homes, or other residential dwellings here in Florida, they have the right to expect the return of their security deposit (provided they have not damaged the property and they themselves have followed the notice... by Larry Tolchinsky | Landlord - Tenant
Updated: 10/31/21 In Florida, the portion of the landlord-tenant law relating to residential dwelling units (including, homes, apartments, mobile homes and condos) was written, in part, to protect tenants during the eviction process. Under our statutory law, the... by Larry Tolchinsky | Landlord - Tenant
Updated: 3/4/20 Every day in Florida, there is a residential tenant dealing with a landlord who has committed an illegal act all in the name of the almighty dollar. Because landlords are still finding ways to harm tenants, the Florida legislature wrote and continues... by Larry Tolchinsky | Landlord - Tenant, Security Deposits
Last Update: 9/2/23 Get Compensation From Your Landlord When Bed Bugs Are Found in Your Apartment, Leased Home, Condo or Vacation Rental. In Florida, the obligation of a residential landlord to a tenant with regard to providing a clean and safe living condition is...