by Larry Tolchinsky | Debt Collection - Mortgages, Deficiency Judgments, Dyck O'Neal, Florida Foreclosures, Foreclosure Fraud, Home Loan Fraud, Loan Modification, Short Sales, Wrongful Foreclosure
Last Update: 08/01/16 In Florida, when the mortgage balance is more than the sales price of a home in foreclosure, there is a “deficiency” – stated another way – the deficiency is the amount due the lender when the sale proceeds in a short sale... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Homestead, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Rescue, Local Lawyers, Wrongful Foreclosure
Governor Rick Scott sat down at his Governor’s desk on June 7, 2013, picked up his pen and signed lots of bills into law that were sent to him by the Florida Legislature. Rick Scott signed things like the Veteran’s Organizations Bill (SB 390) and the Emergency Medical... by Larry Tolchinsky | Debt Collection - Mortgages, Florida Foreclosures, Foreclosure Fraud, Foreclosure Rescue, Home Loan Fraud, Loan Modification, Short Sales, Underwater Mortgage, Wrongful Foreclosure
This Article Is From 2013 Florida homeowners, and borrowers across the country, are no longer considering HAMP (Home Affordable Modification Program) to be the big success that it was touted to be by the Treasury Department when it debuted back in 2009. HAMP, as you... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Homestead, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Foreclosure Rescue, Real Estate, REO (Real Estate Owned), Short Sales, Underwater Mortgage
How is the Florida foreclosure market doing right now? Some are reporting optimistic viewpoints – we’re out of the woods, they claim: everything is getting better every day. Meanwhile, for those working with Florida homeowners and Florida borrowers in the...