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Sharpie Parties: Vandalizing Foreclosed Homes Is Not The Best Revenge Against the Bank Who Is Foreclosing, No Matter How Fun and Tempting a Highlighter Party May Be

It’s sad but true that that American standard in ink pens, the Sharpie (TM), is getting its name known these days not so much for the high quality of the product itself, but because social media has taken to calling a certain kind of gathering a “Sharpie...

More Florida Foreclosures of Family Homes and Increase in Banks Repossessing Houses: In Florida, Banks Are Aggressively Foreclosing on Home Owners: Planning Ahead as a Florida Home Owner

Florida banks are fierce: in July, mortgage lenders took back over 6700 homes from Florida home owners in foreclosure actions. That is almost 40% more repossessions than this time last year (actual statistic is 38% increase) according to RealtyTrac. National news...

Florida Closing Costs in a Short Sale: Who Pays Closing Costs When Seller Short Sales to Avoid Foreclosure?

In a successful short sale, the seller and the mortgage lender have reached an agreement, either as part of foreclosure defense negotiations or in underwater mortgage loan modification talks, to allow the home to be sold in an arms length third party transaction.  ...

Florida Foreclosure Defense – Negotiating Loan Modifications With Banks Is Still Tough: Banks Try to Get Balloon Payments Instead of Cutting Home Loan Amounts and Reducing Mortgage Principal

Florida has been hit very, very hard by foreclosure fraud and many Florida home owners, both facing foreclosure and those with underwater mortgages who are still making their mortgage payments, have been keeping their ears to the ground regarding the big mortgage...