by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Condominium Law, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Real Estate
In Florida, condominiums are extremely popular – for retirees, downsizing couples, those wanting a vacation home or a second home – condo living in Florida has offered a wonderful life style to many, many people over the years. Over that time, condominium... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Domicile, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Quiet Title Actions, Real Estate
Last Update: 11/7/21 In Florida, a quiet title action is filed pursuant to specific Florida Legislation found in Chapter 65 of the Florida Statutes, “Quieting Title.” (You can read through the entire chapter online here.) In Chapter 65, Florida law... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Homestead, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Quiet Title Actions, Real Estate, Titles
Last Update: 11/7/21 As the Florida real estate market moves along, title issues continue to cause problems for Florida home owners, those wanting to sell Florida property, as well as those who want to buy a Florida home or condo. Why? For one thing, the... by Larry Tolchinsky | Closings, Florida Condominium Law, Florida Foreclosures, Florida Homestead, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Quiet Title Actions, Real Estate, Titles
Last Update: 02/24/16 Last week, the Sun Sentinel published an article that pointed out how one title insurance underwriter was advising its members, i.e., Florida title insurances agents, regarding “mortgage terminator” judgments and the problems... by Larry Tolchinsky | Community Associations, Florida Condominium Law, Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law
Last Update: 10/10/20 Learn How HOA Foreclosures Work And What Happens When An Investor Buys The Property; Problems For HOAs, Owners and Renters. Florida homeowner association (HOA) foreclosures are where an HOA sues the homeowner because of the failure to pay their...