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Florida House Passes “Foreclosure Reform” Bill HB 87: Travesty of Justice for Florida Home Owners and Florida Borrowers – Here’s Why

The proposed “foreclosure reform” legislation that failed last year, got revamped, and was proposed again this year to be made into new Florida law has been a big concern for foreclosure defense attorneys and advocates for Florida home owners. We’ve...

HAMP Trial Period Plan Lawsuits: Borrowers Sue Banks for Failing to Do the Right Thing in TPP Loan Modification as Lenders Fail To Follow HAMP Requirements

This Article Is From 2013 Florida homeowners, and borrowers across the country, are no longer considering HAMP (Home Affordable Modification Program) to be the big success that it was touted to be by the Treasury Department when it debuted back in 2009.  HAMP, as you...