by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Foreclosure Defense, Foreclosure Fraud, Real Estate
December 2014 update on what we are seeing now with Florida foreclosures and related issues – 1. Foreclosure filings have remained steady in the last few weeks – this observation is based upon the number of calls we are receiving and on the number of lis pendens being... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Wrongful Foreclosure
Lots of money is being spent in the month of May 2013 on the continuing Florida foreclosure crisis, providing some good news for Florida borrowers and Florida home owners — however, not all of the news is good — including the news on how the law may be... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law, Foreclosure Fraud, Foreclosure Rescue, Titles
The proposed “foreclosure reform” legislation that failed last year, got revamped, and was proposed again this year to be made into new Florida law has been a big concern for foreclosure defense attorneys and advocates for Florida home owners. We’ve...