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5 Things for Florida Foreclosure Mortgage Fraud Victims to Know About Federal Money Toll-Free Program for Foreclosed Homeowners Announced This Week

A new federal government program kicked off this week, designed to help Americans who have been victims of Foreclosure Mortgage Fraud, which is great – if you are eligible for it.  That’s a Big If. The federal government hit the ground running in November...

Buyer of Foreclosure Held Not to Have Title to Land: According to Mass Supreme Court It Remains With the Homeowner Who Lost His Home to a Bank Mortgage Foreclosure

The Massachusetts Supreme Court has released its decision in a foreclosure fraud case that may impact mortgage holders as well as buyers of foreclosed properties in Florida and across the United States. Back in January 2011, we along with other real estate attorneys...

Florida Supreme Court Orders Review of Florida Mandatory Foreclosure Mediation Program: Why? It’s Not Working.

A few weeks ago, the Florida Supreme Court ordered a review of its 18-month-old mandatory foreclosure mediation program.    (You can read the December 2009 Administrative Order creating the program and the September 26, 2011 Administrative Order reviewing its results...

Florida Banks Are Filing Foreclosures Again: ALERT to Florida Homeowners Facing Foreclosure – Act Now, Not Later: Get a Florida Lawyer ASAP and Advance Your Foreclosure Defenses

The wait may be over: foreclosure filings in Florida are on the increase, according to two top industry watchers, and this may mean that Florida banks are gearing up to foreclose on lots of home owners who have been setting in their homes for many months, waiting for...

Florida Homeowners May Lose Their Day in Court: Don’t Be a Lone Wolf When Facing Foreclosure – Get Legal Advice

Right now, Florida’s governor (along with Florida bankers) are moving to change Florida’s system of foreclosing – which currently happens when a lawsuit is filed in the local courthouse – to that of “nonjudicial foreclosures” where...