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Five Things To Know About The Income Tax Break For Short Sales, Foreclosures, and Loan Modifications That Ends December 2012

As discussed in our earlier post, a major tax break will end on December 31, 2012, that helps Florida home owners facing foreclosures, negotiating loan modifications, or working on a short sale of their home.  For several years, a federal law has exempted the amount...

Florida Mortgage Mediation Program Closes Its Doors: What This Means for Florida Home Owners Facing Foreclosure

The Florida Supreme Court’s top judge just signed an order on December 19, 2011, that shut the doors on the Florida Managed Foreclosure Mediation Program that the Supreme Court had set up back in 2009.  You can read the Administrative Order (AOSC11-44) signed by...

The Power of Real Estate Law: Can Banks Legally Foreclose Upon Real Estate Loans They Don’t Own (Even Though They’ve Been Foreclosing On Homes Without Them)?

Go down to any real estate records office anywhere in Florida, and get ready for a history lesson.  Florida land ownership goes back to the days of Spanish land grants – and because land ownership has always been so important to people, there have always been...

5 Things for Florida Foreclosure Mortgage Fraud Victims to Know About Federal Money Toll-Free Program for Foreclosed Homeowners Announced This Week

A new federal government program kicked off this week, designed to help Americans who have been victims of Foreclosure Mortgage Fraud, which is great – if you are eligible for it.  That’s a Big If. The federal government hit the ground running in November...