by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Real Estate, Wrongful Foreclosure
RealtyTrac, just released its October 2011 U.S. Foreclosure Market Report™ and the numbers that the national real estate industry leader has compiled are confirming what we’ve been warning folk about for awhile now: the banks are starting to become active... by Larry Tolchinsky | Deficiency Judgments, Florida Foreclosures, Florida Homestead, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Home Loan Fraud, Loan Modification, Real Estate, Underwater Mortgage
HARP was revised this week by the federal government in the hopes that up to 1 million Americans with underwater mortgages can get refinancing through a program overseen by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Expanding HARP is a big deal; President Obama held a news... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Home Loan Fraud, Loan Modification, Real Estate, Wrongful Foreclosure
A few weeks ago, the Florida Supreme Court ordered a review of its 18-month-old mandatory foreclosure mediation program. (You can read the December 2009 Administrative Order creating the program and the September 26, 2011 Administrative Order reviewing its results... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Home Loan Fraud, Local Lawyers, Real Estate, Underwater Mortgage, Wrongful Foreclosure
Right now, Florida’s governor (along with Florida bankers) are moving to change Florida’s system of foreclosing – which currently happens when a lawsuit is filed in the local courthouse – to that of “nonjudicial foreclosures” where... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Condominium Law, Florida Corporations, Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law, Foreclosure Fraud, Home Loan Fraud, Loan Modification, Local Lawyers, Short Sales, Underwater Mortgage, Wrongful Foreclosure
Today, another federal report was released, this time from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency: seems that mortgage delinquencies are rising again. Which means that many people are not making that monthly mortgage payment. As the Wall Street Journal...