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What Happens to Florida Home Owners Who Do Nothing or Procrastinate? What Are The Risks? What is The Minimum Thing to do to Protect Your Rights?

Losing their home to foreclosure in Florida these days is something that many, many families are facing and it’s never easy.  However, things are very complicated these days because of the chaos that has been created by the unprecedented Foreclosure Fraud...

Florida Foreclosure: Why You Shouldn’t Procrastinate If You Are Facing Foreclosure.

Last Update: 10/16/19 This is a warning to all Florida homeowners who have any kind of foreclosure concerns.  Please consider this information carefully. People are still getting hurt from lack of knowledge and it needs to stop.  It’s not just our Florida real...

Florida Housing Recovery Forecasts and the Florida Home Owner: The Need to be Savvy and Smart With Underwater Mortgages or Foreclosure Defenses Is Very Important In 2012

There is a lot of hoopla in the media these days about the housing crisis – and here in Florida, there’s a lot of talk about a turnaround, people forecasting that the worst is over and the housing industry is rebounding.  From a foreclosure defense...

Debt Collector Abuses: Are Debt Collection Agencies Ignoring Florida Law and Federal Statutes? – Bad Debt Collection Practices: Is it an Epidemic?

There’s news reports that debt collectors are getting pushier and pushier in trying to collect debts – something that comes as no surprise to Florida foreclosure defense lawyers, where clients are routinely having to deal with debt collection practices...

Sharpie Parties: Vandalizing Foreclosed Homes Is Not The Best Revenge Against the Bank Who Is Foreclosing, No Matter How Fun and Tempting a Highlighter Party May Be

It’s sad but true that that American standard in ink pens, the Sharpie (TM), is getting its name known these days not so much for the high quality of the product itself, but because social media has taken to calling a certain kind of gathering a “Sharpie...