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Florida Mortgage Foreclosure Fraud Settlement Proceeds: $33 Million Diverted to Florida General Fund. Open Question: How Much of the Settlement Will Help the Average Florida Home Owner? Not Much?

Investigative reporting by ProPublica recently revealed that lots of state governments involved in the big Mortgage Foreclosure Fraud settlement between the Big Banks and the State Attorneys General have taken big chunks of the settlement monies for use in things...

Underwater Mortgages Are Huge Problem Per New Zillow Negative Equity Report: Will Florida Banks and the Powers That Be Do More for Florida Home Owner Short Sales and Loan Modifications?

Today, released its research study on the United States’ housing market, “Zillow Negative Equity Report,” and it’s not good news for anyone.  From the Zillow experts, in the first three months of 2012: 31.4 percent of U.S. homeowners...

Florida Supreme Court to Decide Sanctions for Foreclosure Fraud Documents Filed by Big Bank: Pino v. Bank of New York – Big Question for All Florida Foreclosure Fraud Victims

Next Thursday, the Florida Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a big Florida foreclosure defense case – so big, in fact, that lots of banks are complaining to the news media that there will be a huge state-wide financial crisis if the Florida Supreme Court...

Florida Newspaper Calls for Foreclosure Fraud Criminal Prosecutions of Five Big Banks Regardless of AG Settlement: Here’s Why and Why That’s Not Enough

The Tampa Bay Times published an editorial this week that details the flagrant evildoing that banks and financial institutions as well as mortgage servicers in this country have been orchestrating over the years, and how it has hurt the country, and particularly...