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Florida Banks Are Filing Foreclosures Again: ALERT to Florida Homeowners Facing Foreclosure – Act Now, Not Later: Get a Florida Lawyer ASAP and Advance Your Foreclosure Defenses

The wait may be over: foreclosure filings in Florida are on the increase, according to two top industry watchers, and this may mean that Florida banks are gearing up to foreclose on lots of home owners who have been setting in their homes for many months, waiting for...

Attention Florida Homeowners – Have You Stopped Making Your Mortgage Payment? Are You Thinking About Not Paying Your Florida Home Loan Anymore? Here Are Some Things To Consider.

Today, another federal report was released, this time from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency: seems that mortgage delinquencies are rising again.  Which means that many people are not making that monthly mortgage payment.  As the Wall Street Journal...

Do Florida Home Owners Need to Fight a Deficiency Judgment When Their is Fraud in Their Foreclosure?: Does Foreclosure Fraud Stop a Deficiency Judgment?

In an article written by Jessica Silver-Greenberg for the Wall Street Journal and shared at Yahoo! Finance, “”House Is Gone but Debt Lives On,” a big, bright national media spotlight shines on the very issue that has been the subject of many of our...

Florida Legislature May Change Florida Law to Take Foreclosure Lawsuits Out of Florida Courtrooms: Move to Make Florida a Nonjudicial Foreclosure State

Changing Florida foreclosure law in a big way is being considered right now, and Florida homeowners need to be aware of this growing movement.  If these efforts succeed, then the Florida Legislature will change longstanding Florida law, making it even easier for banks...

Underwater Mortgage Holders in South Florida May Find Relief in Expanded HARP Program

Underwater mortgages are a serious problem here in South Florida. When home loan balances are higher than the fair market value of the home itself, the homeowner is “upside down” on his or her mortgage.  This scenario increases the temptation for the...