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Robo-signing, where official legal documents are fraudulently created and then filed by banks and their attorneys when they are attempting to foreclose on homes in Florida and elsewhere, has been one of the major reasons for the national Foreclosure Fraud crisis.  Mortgage lenders have gone out of business because of these antics; lender lawyers like the Florida law firms The Law Offices of David J. Stern and Ben-Ezra and Katz P.A. have been disciplined.

As we all know, many homeowners have been victimized by robo-signing by having been wrongfully removed from their homes – and both the federal government and every single attorney general in the United States have been investigating the massive, mind-boggling wrongdoing by the mortgage lenders. The robo-signing has also led to banks being in possession of, and reselling, homes that they obtained by less than legal means causing title insurance issues.  And, it has caused homeowners to spend time and money on defending these foreclosures and on filing their own civil injury lawsuits against these banks.  All of this resulting in our economy and housing market continuing to suffer.

This is not news to many here in South Florida.  Foreclosure Fraud and Robo-signing have been front page news for years now.  What is news today, is that  IT IS STILL GOING ON.

Reuters Reveals Robosigning and Foreclosure Fraud Have Not Stopped

Reuters has published its “special report” today, and revealed that in Florida and across the country, banks and mortgage lenders are STILL ROBO-SIGNING as well as undertaking other acts of foreclosure fraud.

This, despite the settlement talks with federal regulators and the 50 attorneys general.  This, in the face of widespread civil and criminal allegations.  Florida banks are still robo-signing according to the facts that Reuters has revealed.

Foreclosure Defenses Rise In Importance With This News – Put It In Writing!

Which means that every Florida homeowner should document, in writing, all dealings with their mortgage lender, and be prepared to fight for their rights in the event they are impacted by the bad acts of these banks.  That documentation can be used as a basis for defending against these fraudulent lawsuits and allow judges to act on any wrongdoing.

Foreclosure defense attorneys as well as those experienced in loan modification settlement negotiations may be the only advocates able to protect the Florida homeowners against these banks … because with today’s news, it does not appear that the federal government/attorneys general negotiations have stopped this wrongdoing.

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