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A homeowner in New York hired a foreclosure defense attorney and recently won her lawsuit against her mortgage lender, HSBC Bank.  Key to the win:  a report that was prepared by two former Florida assistant attorneys general, June Clarkson and Theresa Edwards.  That’s right: the two women who were just fired from their jobs.

“Unfair, Deceptive and Unconscionable Acts in Foreclosure Cases”  – A Great Report on What Foreclosure Fraud is All About

Seems Clarkson and Edwards prepared an easy to follow, full-color report on what happens in Foreclosure Fraud, breaking down a lot of the complexities into simple explanations of what has happened in this country, how the laws were broken by the lenders and their lawyers.  It is worth the time for everyone to read.  You can read and download the complete, professional, and excellent report done by attorneys Clarkson and Edwards online here.

New York Court Uses Florida Attorneys General Report As Part of His Decision-Making

Meanwhile, last month New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Schack issued his decision that HSBC Bank (1) had no standing to file the foreclosure action against the homeowner because the bank had a flawed assignment of the mortgage and (2) HSBC’s servicer of its home loan, Ocwen, had placed variations in signatures of Ocwen employees on documents filed as part of the foreclosure process.  According to media reports, Justice Schack learned of Edwards and Clarkson’s report, “Unfair, Deceptive and Unconscionable Acts in Foreclosure Cases,”  from an article in the Palm Beach Post, which referenced examples given in their report of varied signatures of alleged Ocwen robo-signer Scott Anderson.  (In the report itself, there are numerous examples of the same name being signed in many different hand-writings.)

Why Were Edwards and Clarkson Fired When They Were Doing Such Good Work?

The two Foreclosure Fraud prosecutors in the Florida Attorney General’s office were asked to quit or face being fired in May 2011 – and according to Edwards, this was done without giving any reasons for the terminations and without giving the women time to bring other lawyers in the department up to speed on their caseload.   Add to this the fact that they had each been receiving excellent recommendations and it’s no wonder that Florida legislators are crying foul and asking for a federal investigation into these Foreclosure Fraud Fighters being let go.

Was it politically motivated, as some suggest?  Did they step on the lenders’ toes too much?  Attorney General Pam Bondi has already set up an independent investigation through the Chief Financial Officer’s office.  Looks like a Congressional committee or a U.S. Attorney General may be on the trail of truth soon, too.

Meanwhile, Clarkson and Edwards continue to help fight Foreclosure Fraud even now — as their report is being used in states outside of Florida to make things right for homeowners who have been harmed by lenders who have ignored or disrespect state real estate laws.

That report can help homeowners in Florida, too.  Read the report, and if you feel that you may have a claim, contact an experienced Florida foreclosure defense lawyer to see what options you may have – thanks in part to the hard work of two terminated public servants.

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