by Larry Tolchinsky | Real Estate, Real Estate Agents, Realtor Disputes
Last Update: 04/18/16 Here in South Florida, flooding is a big problem — something that buyers and investors from other states or other countries may not experience. Not only do we have the threat of hurricanes swooping in with tons of water, there is also the factor... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Real Estate, Real Estate, Real Estate Agents, Realtor Disputes
Last Update: 04/18/16 Here in Florida, real estate transactions take place every day. Closings and people moving into new homes are happening all of the time in the Miami Dade – Broward – Palm Beach areas. A lot of these transactions are first time... by Larry Tolchinsky | Real Estate, Real Estate Agents, Realtor Disputes
Last Update: 04/18/16 In Florida, real estate agents and brokers are seen as experts in their field (whether it be residential, commercial or industrial property) due, in part, to the fact they are licensed by the State of Florida to do business in our State.... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Real Estate, Real Estate Agents, Realtor Disputes
Last Update: 04/18/16 Have You Been Harmed? Negligent misrepresentation by a real estate agent or broker can also be described as an unintentional misrepresentation; where the agent or real estate broker communicates something that is not accurate or true, but they... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Real Estate, Landlord - Tenant, Real Estate, Security Deposits
Last Update: 2/10/20 When you rent an apartment or condo here in Florida, the landlord will typically require that you give a security deposit before you can move into your new home. This is pretty much standard operating procedure for rentals; most tenants know they...