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Why Were the Florida AG Foreclosure Fraud Attorneys Booted? Were They Too Good At Their Jobs? Just How Powerful Are The Lenders?

The issues involving Foreclosure Fraud seem to get bigger and more complex (and more outrageous) by the day.  Just last week, for example, the controversy got bigger around the reasons why two former assistant attorneys general for the State of Florida – who...

Immunity from Being Sued for Banks Who Just Keep On Committing Foreclosure Fraud? What Can Wrongful Foreclosure Victims Do?

What the heck is going on with our government leaders? Are they trying to stop Florida homeowners from suing banks and mortgage lenders for foreclosure fraud and other injuries that Florida property owners have experienced due to Foreclosure Fraud (robosigning, etc.)?...

Appraisal Fraud Whistleblowers Urged to Come Forward by National Consumer Advocacy Group

Appraisers providing bad appraisals due either to negligence or outright fraud are finally being recognized as one of the major contributors to the huge foreclosure fraud crisis in Florida and the rest of the country.  By providing artificially high appraisals, the...

89 Different Florida Appraisers Are Listed in FDIC’s Claims of Fraudulent Appraisals in Lawsuit against Lender Processing Service: Is Your Appraiser on the List?

In the pleadings filed in the lawsuit filed by the FDIC against Jacksonville’s Lender Processing Services, it has become part of the public record that 89 different Florida appraisers are listed by name as being involved in this lawsuit, and out of those 89...

Feds Awaken to Widespread Appraisal Fraud as FDIC Sues, Alleges Florida Appraiser LPS Appraisals Wrongfully Inflated Values

Knowing that inflated appraisals is a part of the reason that Florida real estate is in such a huge, horrible mess isn’t news to many who are following events in the local real estate market.  However, now it appears that the federal government is taking notice....