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Florida Real Estate Closings Are Important: Checking Paperwork Details May Have Saved Florida Homeowners From Foreclosure Filing by Bank of America Eight Years Later

Last Update: 02/24/16 At most real estate closings, there’s lots of paperwork.  Page after page of single-spaced language that has to be reviewed, and then  affirmed by the signor that they read and understood all that language in all those pages. Which is what ...

The Short Sale Transaction in Florida: Things That the Seller (and Buyer) Need to Know Before Closing the Short Sale of a Florida Home – Clouds on Title

Last Update: 8/5/19 The former chief economist for the National Association of Realtors (1987-97) and the current chief economist for Florida Realtors | Orlando gave his take this week on the current Florida real estate climate in an article written by Orlando...

New Pew Study Finds Many Americans Think It’s Okay to Default on an Underwater Mortgage: Evaluating Your Options

The Pew Research Center is one of the country’s most respected research firms, and here at year end, many are listening to what Pew is  reporting regarding Americans’ take on the foreclosure crisis and people not paying their mortgages.  What has Pew...

Florida Families: As Parents Welcome Kids Back Home to Live, Conflict Between Student Loan Debt and the Kids’ Dream of Home Ownership

Florida may be known as a tourist mecca, what with Miami’s metropolitan nightlife and Orlando’s Disney World, but the truth is that Florida is made up of lots and lots of families who love their Sunshine State.  We’re proud of our roots and...

Home Appraisal Fraud Getting More Attention Including New Insurance Coverage for Bad Real Estate Appraisals

Appraisal fraud is a big, big problem both in Florida and across the country. Now, it may be that this hole in the dam that is ForeclosureFraud may start to get fixed — there seems to be some movement towards fixing appraisal fraud and appraiser negligence....