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Another Florida End of Life Planning Issue: In Florida, Will Your Last Wishes On a Final Resting Place Be Respected? Tough Answers Under Florida Probate Law

When a loved one first passes away, the last thing on anyone’s mind is Florida probate law.  There’s the fierce emotion of grief and loss, and the practicalities of letting everyone know and coordinating travel schedules for family and friends, while...

SB 1196 Goes to Governor Scott’s Desk: Will He Veto New Law That Ends Implied Warranty of Developers and Puts Burden on Homeowners’ Associations and Individual Florida Home Buyers?

The Florida Legislature has passed SB 1196 and it’s setting on the Governor’s desk, awaiting his decision on whether to veto the darn thing or sign it into effective Florida law.   Here is the full text of the law: Section 553.835, Florida Statutes Implied...

Florida Homeowner Associations and Condo Owner Associations: What kind of Conflicts Are There and Do You Have to Live With This Nonsense?

For those that move to Florida from other parts of the country or from other parts of the world, one bit of culture shock may be the reality that homeowners associations are commonplace in our state.  You may know them by another name:  neighborhood association,...

Florida Home Owners Stress Levels on the Rise: New Laws Mean Flood of 1099Cs, Foreclosure Upswing in 2012 – 2013

It’s very stressful to be a Florida home owner dealing with an underwater mortgage or defaulting on a home loan.  Your credit rating is getting zapped, there are all the collection practices by the mortgage lender to juggle, and then there’s the legal...

Florida Foreclosure – Beware Banks Not Providing Proper Cancellation of Note (the “Zombie Note”): More Widespread Violations of Florida Law

Here in Florida, we have a snowball that just keeps rolling along, getting bigger and bigger: the national spotlight is finally noticing a big problem that Florida real estate attorneys representing Florida home owners in things like foreclosure defense and short sale...

Florida Illegal or Nonconforming Home Conversions Are Growing Problem: Florida Home and Condo Buyers Should Know Risks of Buying Home With Illegal Improvements

Last Update: 02/24/16 The reality that Florida real estate is in a Wild West situation is known by most professionals in the real estate industry — but it just keeps getting more wild it seems.  Now, there is a growing problem with illegal home conversions...