by Larry Tolchinsky | Debt Collection - Mortgages, Florida Foreclosures, Foreclosure Fraud, Foreclosure Rescue, Home Loan Fraud, Loan Modification, Real Estate, Underwater Mortgage, Wrongful Foreclosure
Florida has been hit very, very hard by foreclosure fraud and many Florida home owners, both facing foreclosure and those with underwater mortgages who are still making their mortgage payments, have been keeping their ears to the ground regarding the big mortgage... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law, Foreclosure Defense, Wrongful Foreclosure
Last Update: 10/10/20 Pay Special Attention to Step #4 otherwise you lose and you lose quickly! It’s a sad reality in today’s economy that many people either face the possibility of foreclosure, are in the process of defending against foreclosure, or know... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Homestead, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Foreclosure Rescue, Real Estate, Wrongful Foreclosure
In this week’s Sarasota Herald Tribune, there’s an interesting and important interview by reporter Tom Lyons of Florida Foreclosure specialist April Charney. (You can read the complete interview here.) You may recognize her name: as an attorney at... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Force Placed Insurance, Foreclosure Fraud, Foreclosure Rescue, Home Loan Fraud, Loan Modification, Real Estate, Wrongful Foreclosure
For those fighting to keep their homes in Florida and elsewhere, every penny counts in the monthly budget. It’s hard to write that monthly mortgage check, especially where it is a payment being made on an underwater mortgage. Homeowners already on this... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Foreclosure Fraud, Foreclosure Rescue, Home Loan Fraud, Wrongful Foreclosure
Investigative reporting by ProPublica recently revealed that lots of state governments involved in the big Mortgage Foreclosure Fraud settlement between the Big Banks and the State Attorneys General have taken big chunks of the settlement monies for use in things... by Larry Tolchinsky | Debt Collection - Mortgages, Florida Foreclosures, Florida Homestead, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Force Placed Insurance, Foreclosure Fraud, Foreclosure Rescue, Home Loan Fraud, Loan Modification, Predatory Lending, Underwater Mortgage, Wrongful Foreclosure
Where will all the strings of Foreclosure Fraud end? Who knows, because more and more issues just keep popping up from the huge mortgage fraud mess in Florida and across the country. The latest? Forced-placed insurance, also known as Lender-placed insurance, and...