by Larry Tolchinsky | Foreclosure Fraud, Home Loan Fraud, Real Estate, Wrongful Foreclosure
This Article Is From 2013 Back in 2010, then Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum instituted investigations into three Florida law firms that were handling lots and lots of foreclosure lawsuits on behalf of their lender clients. The Attorney General officially... by Larry Tolchinsky | Deficiency Judgments, Florida Foreclosures, Florida Homestead, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Rescue, Real Estate, Short Sales, Underwater Mortgage
When you hear the talking heads discuss how Washington has “kicked the can down the road,” for Florida home owners and those Floridians interested in short sales or mortgage foreclosure defense this means one thing: they’ve got one more year to get... by Larry Tolchinsky | Community Associations, Florida Condominium Law, Florida Domicile, Florida Foreclosures, Florida Homestead, Local Lawyers, Timeshare Fraud
Florida banks are getting sued again, and this time it’s pretty interesting. Why? This time, the banks are in the role of defendants in Florida foreclosure lawsuits filed in the bottle necked Florida judicial system. That’s right: the banks are having to... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Loan Modification, Short Sales, Underwater Mortgage
The Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007 will expire a few days from now unless a miracle happens – we’ve been concerned about the impact this federal income tax exemption disappearing will have upon Florida home owners, those with underwater mortgages, and... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Homestead, Florida Law, Real Estate, Short Sales, Underwater Mortgage, Wrongful Foreclosure
This Article Is From 2012 Foreclosure lawsuits are proceeding to trial here in Miami, and it’s being reported that the Miami-Dade Circuit Court, with its foreclosure docket, is the busiest circuit court in the entire state. According to the Miami-Dade Clerk:...