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Florida Foreclosures in Miami-Dade and Broward County: What’s Happening Now with Foreclosures and Short Sales – In 2013?

Here at year-end, let’s consider some numbers for the Miami-Dade and Broward County areas that are important to Florida home owners, including those in South Florida facing foreclosure or considering a short sale (also including those considering a strategic...

Florida Foreclosure Rate Highest in the U.S. For 3rd Month in a Row: Many Florida Home Owners Are Still Fighting the Banks in Foreclosure Defense under Florida Law (Including Tools of Short Sales and Loan Modifications)

Real estate market analyst RealtyTrac has released its U.S. Foreclosure Market Report™ for November 2012 and once again, the experts find that Florida has the highest foreclosure rate in the country – and Florida has had the most mortgage foreclosures out of any...

Will Florida Home Owners Get a Home Loan Mortgage From Walmart? Walmart, Paypal, CostCo and Others Moving into Banking Business: Will Florida Law Protections Be There for You Too? Maybe Not.

People in Florida, particularly South Florida, have learned a lot about how banks work just by reading their newspaper or watching the news.  There have been countless stories written and so much other media coverage of the banking industry related to foreclosure...

Do You Need a Lawyer for a Florida Mortgage Home Loan Modification or Will a Florida Realtor or Do It Yourself Site for Loan Modifications Be Enough? Florida Loan Modification Attorneys See Bad Things Happening.

It’s a bad economy and we all know it.  Florida real estate attorneys are particularly aware of tightened belts and downsizing lifestyles as more and more people have come to us not to buy real estate but to deal with real estate problems: foreclosures, real...