by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Home Loan Fraud, Real Estate, Wrongful Foreclosure
Next Thursday, the Florida Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a big Florida foreclosure defense case – so big, in fact, that lots of banks are complaining to the news media that there will be a huge state-wide financial crisis if the Florida Supreme Court... by Larry Tolchinsky | Closings, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Quiet Title Actions, Titles
Last Update: 02/24/16 Last fall, Osceola County Clerk of the Court joined other Florida officials in warning the public at large that con artists were at work in the State of Florida, taking advantage of the Foreclosure Fraud mess by filing “wild deeds” in... by Larry Tolchinsky | Community Associations, Florida Condominium Law, Florida Homestead, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate
The State of Florida does its part to protect home owners living in shared residential communities (condominiums, timeshares, mobile homes) not only through the passage of legislation designed to assist in the resolution of disputes that may arise, but also by the... by Larry Tolchinsky | Community Associations, Florida Condominium Law, Florida Domicile, Florida Homestead, Florida Real Estate, Real Estate
Last Update: 08/01/16 When you buy a home in a community – be it a condominium or gated community – that is subject to a condo or homeowners’ association, then like it or not, you are giving up a bit of your freedom in order to live there. The... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Homestead, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Quiet Title Actions
Florida law does allow individuals to proceed with civil actions without an attorney – in legal jargon, it’s called representing yourself “pro se.” In this economy, finding ways to avoid the expense of attorneys’ fees sounds smart, and...