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Are the Critics Right About the Attorney Generals’ Investigation? Does This Mean Florida Homeowners Will Not Get Help?

As discussed in previous posts, the attorneys general for all 50 states have been working together as a group, with Iowa attorney general Tom Miller as their leader, in the investigation of the foreclosure fraud that took place throughout the country.  They’ve...

Florida Property Insurance Hikes – Is This the Last Straw for Many Florida Homeowners With Underwater Mortgages?

In yesterday’s Miami Herald, there is a report of a St. Lucie West homeowner who just received his property insurance premium bill and discovered that it has jumped from $1092 to $2715; the news story does the math – that is a 152% increase for this...

Miami Foreclosure Courts Tighten the Financial Belt – Judges Try to Find Frugal Ways to Keep Up with Foreclosure Filings Without Rocket Docket

Around two weeks from now, on July 1, 2011, things will be very different down at the foreclosure courts for Miami-Dade County.  Seems the Great Recession has hit the judicial system here in Florida, just like everyone else, and they must make do with less funds now...

Feds Awaken to Widespread Appraisal Fraud as FDIC Sues, Alleges Florida Appraiser LPS Appraisals Wrongfully Inflated Values

Knowing that inflated appraisals is a part of the reason that Florida real estate is in such a huge, horrible mess isn’t news to many who are following events in the local real estate market.  However, now it appears that the federal government is taking notice....

Warren and Maureen Nyerges Fight Bank of America and Win: South Floridians Take Deputies to Bank Lobby to Execute on Wrongful Foreclosure Judgment

Warren Nyerges and his wife, Maureen, have done something that many other Floridians only dream about:  not only did they sue a national bank for wrongdoing and win, they actually walked into the bank’s lobby and executed on their judgment. Just imagine how that...