by Larry Tolchinsky | Deficiency Judgments, Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Home Loan Fraud, Real Estate, Underwater Mortgage, Wrongful Foreclosure
In an article written by Jessica Silver-Greenberg for the Wall Street Journal and shared at Yahoo! Finance, “”House Is Gone but Debt Lives On,” a big, bright national media spotlight shines on the very issue that has been the subject of many of our... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Homestead, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Home Loan Fraud, Real Estate, Wrongful Foreclosure
Changing Florida foreclosure law in a big way is being considered right now, and Florida homeowners need to be aware of this growing movement. If these efforts succeed, then the Florida Legislature will change longstanding Florida law, making it even easier for banks... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Loan Modification, Real Estate, REO (Real Estate Owned), Wrongful Foreclosure
Everyone in the Miami area knows that the Florida real estate market is in a huge mess. However, some South Floridians may be surprised to learn just how long that real estate crisis may continue into the future. Why? Title to Florida real estate –... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Homestead, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Local Lawyers, Real Estate, Wrongful Foreclosure
Here in South Florida, odds are high that you or your neighbor or your friend have your home mortgage with Bank of America. Why? Bank of America holds not only mortgage notes that Bank of America made with its customers, but also mortgages made awhile back by... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Home Loan Fraud, Loan Modification, Local Lawyers, Predatory Lending, Real Estate, Real Estate Appraiser, Underwater Mortgage, Wrongful Foreclosure
In a loan modification, the original note’s terms are revised (monthly payment amount, interest rate, etc.) and the revisions become effective once everyone signs the modification agreement. For a home loan in South Florida, that means the home owners whose...