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What is Force-placed Insurance or Lender-Placed Insurance? It’s Not Good for Florida Home Owners. Here’s Why.

Where will all the strings of Foreclosure Fraud end?  Who knows, because more and more issues just keep popping up from the huge mortgage fraud mess in Florida and across the country.  The latest?  Forced-placed insurance, also known as Lender-placed insurance, and...

Florida Supreme Court to Decide Sanctions for Foreclosure Fraud Documents Filed by Big Bank: Pino v. Bank of New York – Big Question for All Florida Foreclosure Fraud Victims

Next Thursday, the Florida Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a big Florida foreclosure defense case – so big, in fact, that lots of banks are complaining to the news media that there will be a huge state-wide financial crisis if the Florida Supreme Court...

Florida Newspaper Calls for Foreclosure Fraud Criminal Prosecutions of Five Big Banks Regardless of AG Settlement: Here’s Why and Why That’s Not Enough

The Tampa Bay Times published an editorial this week that details the flagrant evildoing that banks and financial institutions as well as mortgage servicers in this country have been orchestrating over the years, and how it has hurt the country, and particularly...

Florida Foreclosure – Beware Banks Not Providing Proper Cancellation of Note (the “Zombie Note”): More Widespread Violations of Florida Law

Here in Florida, we have a snowball that just keeps rolling along, getting bigger and bigger: the national spotlight is finally noticing a big problem that Florida real estate attorneys representing Florida home owners in things like foreclosure defense and short sale...

Future of Florida Deficiency Judgments on Florida Home Mortgages – Will New Laws Limit or End Bank’s Ability to Sue for Unpaid Mortgage Balance?

This week, the proposed Florida Fair Foreclosure Act got one step closer to becoming law when the Florida State Senate Judiciary Committee okayed the foreclosure bill.  In the near future, the Florida Legislature should be voting on this proposal and you can track the...