by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Homestead, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Real Estate, REO (Real Estate Owned), Short Sales, Underwater Mortgage
Here at year-end, let’s consider some numbers for the Miami-Dade and Broward County areas that are important to Florida home owners, including those in South Florida facing foreclosure or considering a short sale (also including those considering a strategic... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Homestead, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Foreclosure Rescue, Short Sales, Underwater Mortgage, Wrongful Foreclosure
Real estate market analyst RealtyTrac has released its U.S. Foreclosure Market Report™ for November 2012 and once again, the experts find that Florida has the highest foreclosure rate in the country – and Florida has had the most mortgage foreclosures out of any... by Larry Tolchinsky | Debt Collection - Mortgages, Florida Foreclosures, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Rescue, Loan Modification, Local Lawyers, Predatory Lending, Real Estate, Short Sales, Underwater Mortgage
People in Florida, particularly South Florida, have learned a lot about how banks work just by reading their newspaper or watching the news. There have been countless stories written and so much other media coverage of the banking industry related to foreclosure... by Larry Tolchinsky | Debt Collection - Mortgages, Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law, Loan Modification, Local Lawyers, Short Sales, Underwater Mortgage
Last Update: 11/15/19 Problems with Submitting and Re-Submitting of Loan Modification Applications Home loan modification stories are scary horror stories that are filled with all kinds of villains taking advantage of good people for money. It’s greed, in... by Larry Tolchinsky | Deficiency Judgments, Florida Foreclosures, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Rescue, Real Estate, Short Sales, Underwater Mortgage
For many months now, we’ve been monitoring the FIT situation for underwater mortgages, as well as those homeowners facing foreclosure, regarding Florida short sales and the current income exclusion from federal income taxes. In short, back in 2007 a law was...