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Miami Foreclosure Courts Tighten the Financial Belt – Judges Try to Find Frugal Ways to Keep Up with Foreclosure Filings Without Rocket Docket

Around two weeks from now, on July 1, 2011, things will be very different down at the foreclosure courts for Miami-Dade County.  Seems the Great Recession has hit the judicial system here in Florida, just like everyone else, and they must make do with less funds now...

Warren and Maureen Nyerges Fight Bank of America and Win: South Floridians Take Deputies to Bank Lobby to Execute on Wrongful Foreclosure Judgment

Warren Nyerges and his wife, Maureen, have done something that many other Floridians only dream about:  not only did they sue a national bank for wrongdoing and win, they actually walked into the bank’s lobby and executed on their judgment. Just imagine how that...

Florida Real Estate Appraisers – Did They Inflate Real Estate Values? Is Your Home Appraisal Wrong?

One Florida appraiser is already facing fraud charges — and we’re predicting that there are going to be a lot more Florida appraisers in lawsuits and facing criminal charges. This month, licensed appraiser Jay Whitham is being tried on criminal fraud...

Foreclosure Sales in South Florida: How Bad Is It? New RealtyTrac Stats For 1st Quarter 2011

RealtyTrac has just released its statistics for the First Quarter 2011, including foreclosure sales numbers. You can read the numbers online for free at their site’s Trend Center. Why should Florida homeowners care about foreclosure sales? The foreclosure...

RealtyTrac Debuts New Service – Ratings on Investment Potential of Florida Foreclosure and Short Sale Properties

RealtyTrac is an online provider of real estate information, covering both properties that are for sale as well as homes under foreclosure and available for short sale. It makes its money through memberships, and while there are some negative reviews of...