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Florida Homes Foreclosed by Federal Government Become Rentals: FHFA Invites Landlords in Pilot Phase of New Fed Program While Congress Asks FHFA to Start Working With Underwater Homeowners

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), the federal agency that regulates the housing market in this country, is going to begin selling homes that have been foreclosed upon by Fannie Mae to vetted investors in certain parts of the country now, as part of its test...

Future of Florida Deficiency Judgments on Florida Home Mortgages – Will New Laws Limit or End Bank’s Ability to Sue for Unpaid Mortgage Balance?

This week, the proposed Florida Fair Foreclosure Act got one step closer to becoming law when the Florida State Senate Judiciary Committee okayed the foreclosure bill.  In the near future, the Florida Legislature should be voting on this proposal and you can track the...

Florida Home Owners Need to Know This About the Attorneys’ General National Settlement Agreement on Foreclosure Fraud

More on the big news this week on Florida foreclosures.  After all, there are many things to consider as a Florida homeowner or Florida mortgage holder with this new Attorneys General – Bank Foreclosure Settlement.  Here are just a few of them. First things...

Bank Foreclosure Fraud Settlement with the State Attorneys General: How Much Trickles Down to Help South Florida Homeowners? Not Much.

The joint task force investigating foreclosure fraud by banks and mortgage servicers in this country, which brought together the top attorneys for each state in the country, i.e., their Attorneys General, has made a settlement deal according to a news release by the...

How the Federal Servicing Alignment Initiative Helps Florida Home Owners Wanting to Short Sale

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) implemented the federal Servicing Alignment Initiative last year and, in 2012, this new federal incentive plan should boost the number of short sales here in Florida, which is great news for home owners wanting to avoid a...

Florida Short Sales: Should You Short Sale Your Florida Home in 2012?

Here we are at the end of a stressful financial year for South Florida, and it’s time for all those New Year’s Resolutions to be made for 2012.  Finances are considered, plans are made…and for Florida homeowners with underwater mortgages or with...