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Florida Home Owners Stress Levels on the Rise: New Laws Mean Flood of 1099Cs, Foreclosure Upswing in 2012 – 2013

It’s very stressful to be a Florida home owner dealing with an underwater mortgage or defaulting on a home loan.  Your credit rating is getting zapped, there are all the collection practices by the mortgage lender to juggle, and then there’s the legal...

Florida Foreclosure – Beware Banks Not Providing Proper Cancellation of Note (the “Zombie Note”): More Widespread Violations of Florida Law

Here in Florida, we have a snowball that just keeps rolling along, getting bigger and bigger: the national spotlight is finally noticing a big problem that Florida real estate attorneys representing Florida home owners in things like foreclosure defense and short sale...

Florida Homes Foreclosed by Federal Government Become Rentals: FHFA Invites Landlords in Pilot Phase of New Fed Program While Congress Asks FHFA to Start Working With Underwater Homeowners

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), the federal agency that regulates the housing market in this country, is going to begin selling homes that have been foreclosed upon by Fannie Mae to vetted investors in certain parts of the country now, as part of its test...

Florida Home Owners: Beware the Foreclosure Rescue Company or the Friendly Mortgage Modification Company – There Are Lots of Scam Artists Out There

It’s sad but true that all too often home owners already facing the stress and difficulties of becoming delinquent in their mortgage payments and facing the consequences of that delinquency – losing their home, their credit rating, dealing with bill...