by Larry Tolchinsky | Debt Collection - Mortgages, Florida Foreclosures, Florida Homestead, Foreclosure Rescue, Loan Modification, Real Estate, Underwater Mortgage
In Florida, foreclosure defense involves dealing with the court system: a lawsuit is filed at the local courthouse, with the home owner being named as a foreclosure defendant. The home owner is given the right, with the Court’s assistance, to fight the... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Homestead, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Foreclosure Rescue, Real Estate, Wrongful Foreclosure
In this week’s Sarasota Herald Tribune, there’s an interesting and important interview by reporter Tom Lyons of Florida Foreclosure specialist April Charney. (You can read the complete interview here.) You may recognize her name: as an attorney at... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Foreclosure Fraud, Foreclosure Rescue, Home Loan Fraud, Wrongful Foreclosure
Investigative reporting by ProPublica recently revealed that lots of state governments involved in the big Mortgage Foreclosure Fraud settlement between the Big Banks and the State Attorneys General have taken big chunks of the settlement monies for use in things... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Foreclosures, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Rescue, Loan Modification, Short Sales
There’s a lot of news coverage this week about the announcement by Bank of America that it is introducing a new short sale program to help Florida homeowners in trouble with their mortgages. Across the country and in Florida, Bank of America itself (BofA) is... by Larry Tolchinsky | Debt Collection - Mortgages, Florida Domicile, Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Foreclosure Rescue, Real Estate, Wrongful Foreclosure
Last Friday, the State of Florida powers-that-be announced that they were revamping the Hardest Hit Fund for Florida residents, making eligibility requirements easier to meet for lots of Floridians. Which is good news if you are past due on your mortgage payments,...