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Florida Supreme Court Rules Against Florida Home Owners in Pino v. Bank of New York: Bad Day for Florida Foreclosure Defense, Great Day for Fraudulent Filing Banks

The Florida Supreme Court has ruled against Florida homeowners –  and for the foreclosing banks –  in Roman Pino v. the Bank of New York.  The opinion came down on February 7, 2013, and you can read the entire thing online at Google Scholar.   Pino...

South Florida Foreclosure Defense Lawyers’ New Nemesis is The Robo-Witness: Bank Custodian of Records Without Personal Knowledge of the Loan Documents is Giving Hearsay Testimony

Today, RealtyTrac is making the national news again with its report that the State of Florida has more than twice the number of foreclosure actions as any other state in the country.  According to its U.S. Foreclosure Market Report™ for January 2013 (released this...

Florida Served With Foreclosure Papers: Florida is No. 1 in USA for Foreclosure Filings in 2012, Will You Be Served with a Florida Foreclosure in 2013?

This morning, RealtyTrac issued its Year-End 2012 U.S. Foreclosure Market Report and, in what is no surprise to most Florida foreclosure defense lawyers particularly those dealing with foreclosures in the Miami-Dade and Broward County areas, Florida broke the record...

Zombie Titles in Florida and the United States: What They Are, and How Zombie Titles Hurt Home Buyers and Home Owners, and Ways to Protect Against Zombie Titles

Now, word is spreading around the country about a rising new horror in the Foreclosure Fraud crisis and Robosigning mess, which the country (and especially South Florida) has been reeling from for several years now; the ZOMBIE TITLE. That’s right: the Zombie...

Florida Short Sales and Florida Foreclosure Defense Deadline for Tax Benefits is Now December 31, 2013 After Fiscal Cliff Legislation Signed Into Law Today

When you hear the talking heads discuss how Washington has “kicked the can down the road,” for Florida home owners and those Floridians interested in short sales or mortgage foreclosure defense this means one thing: they’ve got one more year to get...

Florida Homeowners’ Associations Filing Foreclosure Lawsuits Against Florida Banks: Foreclosing on Banks Defaulting on Florida Community Association Fees

Florida banks are getting sued again, and this time it’s pretty interesting.  Why?  This time, the banks are in the role of defendants in Florida foreclosure lawsuits filed in the bottle necked Florida judicial system. That’s right: the banks are having to...