by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Real Estate, Landlord - Tenant, Real Estate, Security Deposits
Last Update: 2/10/20 When you rent an apartment or condo here in Florida, the landlord will typically require that you give a security deposit before you can move into your new home. This is pretty much standard operating procedure for rentals; most tenants know they... by Larry Tolchinsky | Condos and Townhouses, Florida Condominium Law, Landlord - Tenant
Condo owners in Florida rent their condos to tenants all of the time. The lease period may be weeks, or months, or even years. As homeowners, the condo unit owner has every right to lease his or her property to another should he or she choose to do so (as long as the... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Landlord - Tenant, Real Estate, Security Deposits
Last Update: 10/3/17 All of us have rented an apartment, condo or townhouse at one time or another during our lifetime. In some cases, after we have moved out we have had to deal with issues with our landlord related to our security deposit. In fact, a lot of calls I... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Landlord - Tenant, Mold
Last Update: 4/14/21 Update: We are not accepting mold injury cases because of the high burdens needed to prove causation. However, we strongly advise anyone living in a residential building with mold that they believe to be making him or her sick, to immediately move... by Larry Tolchinsky | Community Associations, Condos and Townhouses, Florida Condominium Law, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Landlord - Tenant, Local Lawyers, Real Estate
For anyone wanting to rent a Florida condo or any Florida condominium owner thinking about leasing out their Florida condo as an investment, it’s important to know there have been changes to Florida landlord – tenant law that became effective this summer... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Domicile, Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Fraud, Landlord - Tenant, Real Estate, Wrongful Foreclosure
The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), the federal agency that regulates the housing market in this country, is going to begin selling homes that have been foreclosed upon by Fannie Mae to vetted investors in certain parts of the country now, as part of its test...