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Renting a Florida Condo? What Should You Be Aware of in that Form Lease? Does it Reflect New Florida Landlord Tenant Laws Effective in 2013?

For anyone wanting to rent a Florida condo or any Florida condominium owner thinking about leasing out their Florida condo as an investment, it’s important to know there have been changes to Florida landlord – tenant law that became effective this summer...

Florida Homes Foreclosed by Federal Government Become Rentals: FHFA Invites Landlords in Pilot Phase of New Fed Program While Congress Asks FHFA to Start Working With Underwater Homeowners

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), the federal agency that regulates the housing market in this country, is going to begin selling homes that have been foreclosed upon by Fannie Mae to vetted investors in certain parts of the country now, as part of its test...