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Negotiating a Home Loan Modification: Beware of the Dual Track Rule – The Bank Can Still Foreclose Even If You’re Modifying Your Note

In a loan modification, the original note’s terms are revised (monthly payment amount, interest rate, etc.) and the revisions become effective once everyone signs the modification agreement.  For a home loan in South Florida, that means the home owners whose...

The Non-Lawyer’s Guide to Foreclosure Fraud – Part 1: How It All Began, Remembering Traditional Mortgage Practices

Here, the first in a series of posts explaining the hows and whys of ForeclosureGate and the Florida Home Loan Fraud crisis: Part 1.  How It All Began, Remembering Traditional Mortgage Practices and that First Smell of More Profit Long before ForeclosureGate, when the...

Florida Fires Its Top Two Foreclosure Fraud Attorneys, But Their Work Is Still Solving Cases Across the Country: What Gives?

A homeowner in New York hired a foreclosure defense attorney and recently won her lawsuit against her mortgage lender, HSBC Bank.  Key to the win:  a report that was prepared by two former Florida assistant attorneys general, June Clarkson and Theresa Edwards. ...

Why Were the Florida AG Foreclosure Fraud Attorneys Booted? Were They Too Good At Their Jobs? Just How Powerful Are The Lenders?

The issues involving Foreclosure Fraud seem to get bigger and more complex (and more outrageous) by the day.  Just last week, for example, the controversy got bigger around the reasons why two former assistant attorneys general for the State of Florida – who...

Immunity from Being Sued for Banks Who Just Keep On Committing Foreclosure Fraud? What Can Wrongful Foreclosure Victims Do?

What the heck is going on with our government leaders? Are they trying to stop Florida homeowners from suing banks and mortgage lenders for foreclosure fraud and other injuries that Florida property owners have experienced due to Foreclosure Fraud (robosigning, etc.)?...