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Robosigning Is Still Happening – Shocking Expose by Reuters Reveals Banks Are Still Filing Bad Paperwork: Foreclosure Fraud Is Not Over

Robo-signing, where official legal documents are fraudulently created and then filed by banks and their attorneys when they are attempting to foreclose on homes in Florida and elsewhere, has been one of the major reasons for the national Foreclosure Fraud crisis. ...

Are the Critics Right About the Attorney Generals’ Investigation? Does This Mean Florida Homeowners Will Not Get Help?

As discussed in previous posts, the attorneys general for all 50 states have been working together as a group, with Iowa attorney general Tom Miller as their leader, in the investigation of the foreclosure fraud that took place throughout the country.  They’ve...

Florida Homeowner’s Home Vandalized and Contents Thrown Out by Mortgage Company – But He’s Not in Foreclosure: Another Florida Foreclosure Fraud Horror Story

The flagrant disregard of longstanding Florida law by mortgage lenders, appraisers, title companies, banks, and law firms continues with this week’s news, perhaps setting new lows in the foreclosure mess. A New High in Lows for Bad Acts Done by a Mortgage Lender...

Florida Property Insurance Hikes – Is This the Last Straw for Many Florida Homeowners With Underwater Mortgages?

In yesterday’s Miami Herald, there is a report of a St. Lucie West homeowner who just received his property insurance premium bill and discovered that it has jumped from $1092 to $2715; the news story does the math – that is a 152% increase for this...

One Billion in Foreclosure Aid via New Emergency Homeowner’s Loan Program (EHLP) NOT Available to Hurting Floridians Facing Foreclosure

10/16/19 Update: Florida’s Hardest Hit Program Is Closed – See this link. However, to get help with Foreclosure Defense, click here. This week,  the federal government debuted the Emergency Homeowner’s Loan Program (EHLP) with $1 billion of federal monies in its...